What is Branch Condition Testing?

Branch Condition Testing

Branch Condition Testing requires a model of the source code which identifies decisions and the individual Boolean operands within the decision conditions. A decision is an executable statement which may transfer control to another statement depending upon the logic of the decision statement. A decision condition is a Boolean expression which is evaluated to determine the outcome of a decision. Typical decisions are found in loops and selections.

Test cases shall be designed to exercise individual Boolean operand values within decision conditions.

For each test case, the following shall be specified:
- the input(s) to the component

- for each decision evaluated by the test case, identification of the Boolean operand to be exercised by the test case and its value

- the expected outcome of the test case.


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    1. You can also buy ISEB ISTQB exam papers from here: www.ISEB-Software-Testing.co.uk

    2. Thanks this site is good too for www.iseb-software-testing.co.uk

  2. Good article on Branch Condition Testing.


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